An example of weirdness.

This is Her Majesty Maylee Todd. You shall listen to her spectacular music day in, day out.

This is Her Majesty Maylee Todd. You shall listen to her spectacular music day in, day out.

8-Bit Movie Posters.


DJ Storm's Blog

No matter how far technology comes, there will always be a certain respect for the old school.  One of the first things people of my generation remember from the digital world are 8-Bit images.  That being said, getting a look at certain CGI heavy movies from an 8-bit perspective is quite an interesting thing.  Check the method below.

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Blink Reviews

Sorry Parton, but i’s too true. >.<


The fact is, I don’t know much about how movies are made.

(I attended a screening of a documentary once and afterward, at the pub, I spaced out when the film types starting talking about film Things.  I was startled back into the fray when one of them said, “Oh, well, Cindy doesn’t know what a camera dolly is.”  Truer words).

[Don’t worry:  I don’t actually care all that much about what a camera dodi is.  As for the documentary itself…I think it was about, like, The Earth or something].

But…yeah.  Lighting, zooms, cuts and, um, bird’s eye view?[1]  That pretty much sums up my knowledge of how a movie is put together.

Or if you will, “film”.

Hey, though!  I like story.  Lessons learned, morals, that kind of Thing.

I’m the kind of person who wonders if a million coincidences does, actually, a movie make (Forest…

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The Color Test — Take a Coffee Break and See How Well You Do!

Scored 100% within the first try!

Finding Gems and Sharing Them

This is the old left brain/ right brain struggle and you can feel it as you take the test. Whew!  From

Related post on left brain / right brain art and concepts (Mercedes Benz Ad)  here >>>

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for Finding Gems & Sharing Them


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